Bollards Security automatic rising obstacle is designed to protect and control access to sites that are susceptible to attempted break-in. It can be used on any site where it is wished to create an obstacle to traffic without restricting pedestrian access. In urban environments, it has the advantage of being completely invisible when lowered. It is also perfect for controlling vehicle access to pedestrian areas. The high-security obstacles have greater impact resistance than that of the other obstacles in the range

- Mobile obstacle supported on a thick steel section supporting structure.
- 10 mm thick cast aluminium cover plate.
- Galvanized sheet steel embedded casing with a cast iron frame at the top for attaching the obstacle.
- Mobile obstacle is held vertically and strengthened by means of a thick steel collar connected to the supporting structure and a nylon bush built-in to the obstacle and sliding along the central jack.
- Synthetic joint.
- Double-acting central hydraulic jack for raising and lowering the obstacle.
- Obstacle not fixed to the jack to limit damages caused by small shocks.
- Hydraulic unit mounted on the supporting structure producing 40 bars to maintain the obstacle in the raised position.
- Obstacle stopped in raised and lowered positions by mechanical stops.
- Steel/rubber bearings support the obstacle when in the retracted position, allowing it to withstand the passage of heavy vehicles.
- Inductive sensors for raised and lowered position status information.
- Remote microprocessor control board, separated from the obstacle , dipswitch programming, LED display for obstacle status and inputs/outputs used.